วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Printable Adult Birthday Invitations Cards for Adult Birthday Party Celebrations

Adult Birthday Party Celebrations and Party for Adults

In the beginning, no attention was paid to the anniversary of important
events, such as birthdays, primarily because humans had no way of keeping
time. However, when peoples began taking notice of the moon's cycles,
attention began to the changing seasons and the pattern that repeated
itself over and over until the first calendars were developed to mark time
changes. This tracking system began the practice of celebrating birthdays
and other significant anniversaries on the same day each year.

It is believed that the birthday party tradition started in Europe long
ago, and that evil spirits were attracted to people on their birthdays. To
protect the birthday people from harm, family and friends would visit the
birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes. They believed that, in
addition to their visits, giving gifts brought even more good cheer to
ward off the evil spirits. Thus the birthday party custom began.

Once we reach adulthood we tend to ignore birthday celebrations because
they are all too often seen as a sign of advancing years. However, just
because you or your partner is grown-up doesn't mean you shouldn't have a
birthday party celebration.

Believe it or not, it can be just as much fun to plan an adult birthday
party as it is to plan one for a child. If you have a family, then one of
the first things you should consider is offloading your kids, perhaps to
grandparents, for the night of the adult birthday party – that way it
really can be just for adults. If you really appreciate something that a
partner, close relative or friend has done, then what better way to show
your appreciation by holding a adult birthday party in their honor.

If the party is to be a surprise birthday party for your
partner/husband/wife then try to arrange for alternative parking
arrangements on the night. Too many cars outside the birthday party house
will immediately alert the other person that something is going on.
Nowadays there is a lot of interest in online casinos and a themed casino
adult birthday party could be a great way of celebrating the event with
your significant other and a group of friends. When you intend to hold
this type of birthday party then it may not be the best idea to try and
keep it as a surprise – you'll probably ask everyone to dress as though
they were attending a proper casino and that often involves dressing the

Either contact your local casino regarding an adult birthday party or ask
if any of the croupiers do contract work on their nights off, or get a
friend or relative who knows something about casinos to play the part of
croupier. You can carry the casino party theme right through the party
from the casino birthday party invitations to small tokens of appreciation
for your guests. Personalized birthday party invitations with poker cards
images make nice adult birthday party invitations and will give guests an
idea of what is to come. If your budget will allow, then you might want to
kick off the evening with a full dinner and waitresses rather than buffet
or finger type food. Don't forget to include alcohol on your list of
essentials when you are planning an adult birthday party.

When you have a casino theme adult birthday party, it is a good idea to
define a clear area of the house where those guests who prefer not to play
casino games can enjoy chatting and perhaps listening to music. You could
have casino type nameplates where guests are to sit if you do decide to
give a meal – provide some wine with the dinner as this is an adult
birthday party. Try to ensure that you have space to relax and spend time
with your partner once the birthday party is underway. Just because this
is a birthday party for an adult doesn't mean to say that you shouldn't
take time to enjoy yourself too.

Printable Calendars: Creating Your Own Customized Calendar

Printable calendars provide individuals with a handy way to keep track of
the days as well as their appointments. These items come in many different
styles, colors and configurations. For those who may wonder why they
should choose this type of calendar above all the rest, there are a few
often-cited reasons to help guide one in finding the answer to this

Why Use Printed Out Calendars?

One great reason to use a calendar via the printed out method is that
these are often free to print out. Since there are many individuals that
are on a budget and do not care to spend money on a calendar, utilizing
print out calendars make saving money a snap. Although some websites may
charge the user a small fee to print out the calendar, most are free of
charge to all who choose to print them out.

Another reason to use a calendar which you can print out right from your
home computer is that you can easily reprint the calendar should yours get
marked up for one reason or another. Suppose you accidentally mark an
appointment on your calendar on the wrong date all you need to do is to
reprint that month and you will have a clean slate to work with. Printable
calendars make noting your appointments without fear of mistakes possible.

You will also find that there are tons of options with regard to print out
calendar styles and configurations. Whether you want a sports-oriented
calendar or one which has a floral motif, you are sure to find the perfect
one online. In addition, these calendars are available in week, month and
year format. That way you can choose the best one to suit your needs. If
you like to look at the calendar week by week you can do so but if you
prefer to see the entire month all at once then this is possible as well.

Lastly, by using print out calendars you can put a calendar in every room
in the home. As opposed to having to buy a calendar, with a print out
variety you are able to give every family member a calendar to keep his or
her own appointments on. This allows the individual to also personalize
their calendar to suit their specific style.

How to Find Print Out Calendars

As more and more individuals note the usefulness of print out calendars
they are becoming available more often these days. The best way to locate
a calendar for you to print out is to use a search engine online. Type in
phrases such as "print out calendars" or "printable calendar" and then
choose from the results which pop up. You will find a wealth of results
and the hard part will be narrowing down the options. The best way to do
so is to pick websites which offer free print out calendars, visit the
websites, peruse the options and then get started with accessing the
printable calendars.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cheap Nintendo Wii Sports Bundles – Buy Wii Sports Bundle Pack

Which is the best choice for you?

Since Nintendo doesn't make their own, there are plenty of companies that
make them as third parties, and they compete among each other for the
biggest market share.

My personal opinion is that there are too many online and real world
stores that deal with them, and they're just confusing now. Instead of
dealing with those, take into consideration one of the two products I talk
about below.

PDP NERF Nintendo Wii Sports Pak

Produced by PDP, this NERF product is designed to complement the DS Lite
Case & Stylus. It's quite a different experience than what other products
feel and look like. A lot of newspapers talked about Wii gamers that
smashed lights or TV's ... and it happened to me, when my mate did it to
the light (not a story for this article though).

That's why the NERF was received well by many people. Included in the pack
are a baseball bat, a golf club and a tennis racket. It costs just £19.99
and anyone can use them, especially kids that tend to hit everything
around them.

Wii beginners might benefit from this pack as well.

Blaze 6 in 1 Nintendo Wii Accessory Pack

There aren't that many available, so be careful before you spend money on
them. You do get a lot for the money you spend when you buy a 6 in 1 pack,
but you need to make sure that the quality is good also. For example, I
saw a 15 in 1 pack recently and the quality was an absolute disaster.

The Blaze 6 in 1 pack comes with a baseball bat, a golf club, a steering
wheel, tennis racket, wrist straps and a controller silicon skin. What
would be better in my opinion would be to remove the wrist straps and the
skin, and instead make it a 2 tennis rackets, 2 steering wheels, 1
baseball bat and 1 golf club.

Still, this package is great value for your money. An extra that comes
with this pack is the Xploder Cheat Saves. The price is £14.99 so it's
well worth the purchase.

Secret Gold Guide Torrent!: Can You Get Hawke’s Secret Gold Guide For Free?

When I visit Warcraft forums, and some ask and answer questions website
such as yahoo answers, there are always people asking if they can get
Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide for free. Because of this, there has been
an explosion of people uploading fake files on torrent sites with the
title: Secret Gold Guide Torrent.

If you don't know how some of those torrent sites operate, let me give you
an insight: You'll never find Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide for free on
any of those torrents sites. The people who upload files such as: Secret
Gold Guide Torrent, just want to cheat you into filling some stupid CPA
form which earns them money! They entice you by promising you that once
the form is completed, you'll get the link to download the guide. But in
essence once you've done what they want, you'll get nothing or maybe one
stupid file with porn pictures. Some of the sites fool you into
registering for a small fee such as $4.99 or so. They say after your
registration is complete, you'll have the guide. Trust me, those are all

The Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide is not all that expensive. And it is
of great quality. The amount she changes for her guide is very reasonable,
plus you have so many bonuses which come with the guide. If you really
want to improve your World of Warcraft game, and learn how to make 600
Golds every hour you play, then check our her guide and buy it, because
you'll never find it on any of those torrent site for free!

There is an honest review on the secret gold guide. You can read and
decide if you want to download the guide or not. The review is here:
Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide Review

Red Robin Restaurant Recipes Revealed - How to Copycat Your Favorite Red Robin Menu Item

Ok, I am going to admit it. I have a few guilty pleasures that I don't
like the world to know, but I am pretty sure that I'm not the only one,
and I would like to be able to help others. Every once in a blue moon I
get the craving for Red Robin. Not the fries so much as the burgers. But
their burgers are so expensive. But with a few little changes, I can make
my favorite burger at home.

The first thing you need to do is find out what ingredients go on your
burger. You can find out that information on the internet. If they claim
that something in their recipe is a secret, chances are, with a little
digging you are going to find it. Most of the time the big secret is you
can buy it on any grocery shelf. Once you know what it is you need, it's
just a matter of figuring out how they put the darn thing together.

Hit up Red Robin and before you enjoy it, open it up. What goes where,
write it down, take a picture with your cell phone, whatever you need to
do so you will remember and have a reference point when you make it
yourself. Most of the time, it is fairly obvious, but if you want it to be
just right, it is worth this step.

If you aren't sure about something, don't be afraid to ask. A lot of the
time the staff will spill trade secrets, not because they are trying to
hurt the business, but most of the time they are young, and may not
understand fully the whole concept of trade secrets.

Once you know what you need and how it goes together, head to the grocery
store and pick up the ingredients. If you are concerned about calories,
you can change things up. Use a veggie burger patty instead of a meat
patty. Or use a low calorie option for sauces. Most importantly, when you
cook it, you can cut out a lot of the grease and fat. Not only will you
satisfy the Red Robin craving, you may have even shaved off a few

And to help get you started, here is the recipe for Red Robin's famous


- 3 tablespoons salt
- 1 tablespoon instant tomato soup mix
- 2 teaspoons chili powder (don't over do it with this spice)
- 1/4 teaspoon cumin
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper (try to use fresh pepper corns)

Good luck copying your favorite Red Robin recipes!

More Players on Movie Download Field

Two major retailers have moved into the online movie sales business.
WalMart and Amazon.com join existing properties in trying to convince the
consumer their downloadable wares are more attractive than other, less
"official" options. Do their services offer anything significantly
different than the current players in the market, or is simply a case of
the same limited options with different labels?

WalMart announced its entry into the download field at
mediadownloads.walmart.com. At least, that's one of their promotional
sites. WalMart enters the fray trumpeting licensure with all of the "big
six" movie studios. That one feature does provide an advantage in that is
allows them to offer a selection that eclipses most of the competition.

There is little else that is unique about it, however. There is download
software made available much like Apple's iStore, but it utilizes
Microsoft's DRM piracy protection technology. That means the service won't
operate over Firefox or other browsers and won't run on Zune, PSP, iPod,
or computers running Mac or Linux.

WalMart sells about 40% of the DVDs in this country and says they'll
provide price protection for their products on the shelves. That means you
won't see much of that to-the-bone price cutting on downloaded products.
Prices will range from a couple of bucks for a TV show up to close to $20
for a film in recent DVD circulation.

The other challenge for WalMart is their corporate policy that every
product they sell should be designed to draw customers into their stores.
A product designed to deliver itself to your PC isn't going to do that.
Currently, Walmart spokesmen are saying that their intent to bundle a
movie download with the purchase of a DVD will meet that requirement.

That's WalMart's answer to delivering your download to the TV screen. It
seems somewhat duplicative, but they are chasing the business in a big
way. Wal-Mart's online video-rental service failed to do just that, and
the corporation folded up the business after a relatively brief test

Amazon's version of the video download service is called Unbox. They too
are a major retailer for DVDs and see this business as complimentary.
Their only marketing responsibility for the product is to drive people to
their website - unlike the brick-and-mortar based WalMart.

Amazon launched without Disney, which is a major player in the Apple
online video product development. That may have something to do with the
fact that, when Steve Jobs sold the Pixar animation studio to Disney, he
also became their biggest shareholder. At any rate, Apple's movie products
are limited to Disney and Paramount. The other online services such as
CinemaNow and Movielink are all also missing one or another of the major
movie houses as partners.

What Amazon has done to bypass the issue of portability with downloaded
movies is to develop a partnership with TiVo. The later versions of the
TiVo recorder will be able to download Amazon delivered films and play
them back on your television. With the rest of the Internet-delivered
video companies, the downloaded product pretty much remains trapped on
your download device. Apple's films can be downloaded by some iPod
products and other handheld players, while WalMart, at the moment, is
wedded to the PC.

It's a smart move on Amazon's part - four out of the six major movie
studios and a television viewing partner. That relationship is limited,
however, by the fact that TiVo's current distribution base of boxes with
internet connectivity is a little over 1.5 million units. It's a start,
but a small start on dealing with getting that downloaded movie to your
television. Apple is planning a similar set top box to provide the same
viewing capacity.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Internet video download business
is expected to be worth $3.7 billion in annual revenue in 2010, when DVD
rentals and sales as a business will amount to about $29.5 billion.


Runescape Help and Guide on Bots Items and leveling up tips

Have you ever wanted to know about runescape Accounts for sale bots, but
all you found were folks trying to cheating you?

Demand you like to know why that is?

It's because 99% of all so-called runescape Accounts bots are conclusively
fake, yes fake!

Yes that's proper, believe it or not, anyone exigent to sell you an
"autominer" or bot is just scamming you and you'll lose you money,
guaranteed. Sorry but it's the truth!

What they really are, are viruses that infect your computer and record to
sell runescape account to everything that you type in, then once it's
recorded something, it sends the data the creator of the virus. So now
you've lost your runescape account and probably a lot of credit card
information as well.

Other ways which people try to gain access to your account, is when people
say, that in order for it to work, they need to log into your account and
set it up. In this case, there are no runescape bots, just someone
claiming to have one when he really doesn't and wants access to the cheap
runescape account.

Think about it, why would someone give away runescape bots for free? And
don't believe them when they say "I used to be one of Jagex staff, and now
I hate them so I'm releasing this for free". That's just a big lie.

So what do you do if someone offers you a runescape bot? You report them
and ignore them. Don't get sucked in, you've got so much to lose and so
little to gain.

Start visiting this website for best runescape guides and runescape
account help


Little Interaction With Negroid Mages

General strategically requirements of a Negroid Mage in FFXI Accounts

The fighting arrangement of a Negroid Mage is, generally, as follows:

1. Sit in the backwards and connector your 2nd or 3rd highest ultimate spell.

2. Use then your Highest or 95th highest Elemental spell.

3. Wait for the fighters to advice and mayhap taunt.

4. Continue to connector your beatific ultimate spells.

5. Occasionally advise for the fighters to entertainer some hate.

6. Cast more Elementals.

7. If you are ever attacked foregather ordered there, sport fishing will
inner entertainer more hate.

The Negroid Mage and you - Negroid Mages interaction with other classes

Inter-class relations are relatively ultimate with a Negroid Mage in FFXI

Class - Relation a Negroid mage has with them.

White Mage, Red Mage - The Negroid Mage mostly has top-priority for
curing, as they cannot verify some hits.

Tanks - Take hits for the Negroid Mage, the Negroid Mage providing
enthusiastic alteration in exchange.

Others - Little interaction with Negroid Mages, another than informing him
before you move a skill chain

The Negroid Mage and the Rest - The hypothesis that it is cushy to be a
Negroid Mage

Negroid Mages yet embellish a requisite for every party, for they are the
ones that do the damage. Weapons for a Negroid Mage is Choosing an
instrument for a Negroid Mage in Eve Account. Most Negroid mages will have
to opt a Club or Staff; still there are other instrument choices for a
Negroid Mage. Here I will inform these choices.


Pros - Fast move speed.

Cons - Weak damage, which measures 0 alterations as a Negroid Mage usually.


Pros - Moderate damage, enthusiastic broad take staves.

Cons - Slow Attack speed.


Pros - Bonuses that support casting, middling alacritous speed

Cons - Weak damage.

My alternative is a Club, since Negroid Mages tradition move partying,
since the bonuses are quite good. Later on whatever staves are stellar may
desire to analyze them discover as well, much as the Dark Staff.

Black Mage spells - A more in-depth analyze of spells.

Now a quantity to countenance at whatever of the Negroid Mages base sets
of spells, the direct consume and neutral having already existence
discussed here I will discourse whatever of the base spells.


Bind - Holds the enemy, allow you to patch without getting hit.

Blind - Decreases move accuracy, quite multipurpose considering its MP cost.

Poison - Does alteration over time, beatific but I favor.

Sleep - Puts the adversary to sleep, beatific for running.

Shock, Burn, Choke, Drown - Lowers an enemy's stat and does alteration
over time. Also lowers an enemies status to digit element; Note, you can
exclusive have digit of these on at once.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Who Else Wants to Know How to Fix Three Red Lights on Xbox 360

Well, what exactly should you do when your Xbox 360 takes a crap and gives
out on you? How do you respond once the initial shocks gone and you're
left with three red lights on Xbox 360? The resolution? Don't worry. Until
very recently, the three red lights on Xbox 360 have been known as the
symptom that your Xbox is terminated and your gaming experiences were done

That's because of all of the systems believed to fix this hardware failure
the three red lights on Xbox 360 signal were useless. You do not wish to
ship your game console to Microsoft, right? Not knowing it can cost more
than $140, and actually not when you recollect it'll be while eight weeks
before it's given back to you.

No, that is definitely not the solution to training your console of the
three red lights on Xbox 360. You do not want to damage the case of your
360 on your own, do you? After you are inside, the typical repairs need
you to take your soldering kit out and do the job that probably gifted
technicians should be performing. Your Xbox 360 is a complicated component
of computer hardware, after all.

It's not a kettle! All this leaves you with are the allegory fixes, and
the rumored fixes. Entwine your 360 in a cloth that will cure the three
red lights on Xbox 360, correct? Reduce the Xbox 360 to forty 5 degrees
and store the power supply vertically can't fail to stop the 3 red lights,
right? These retarded fixes are just as ludicrous as they appear.

And yet, you are still doomed to be left with the three red lights on Xbox
360. Chill out, though.

Now there is a straightforward, fast resolution when you fall into three
red lights on Xbox 360. This fixes coming at long last from tech pros who
understand the inside works of the Xbox 360 better than anyone else does.
These professionals have received tons of Xbox's with those three red
lights glowing, and every single time they've applied this easy resolution
to get the Xbox gaming again in less than 2 hours.

In truth, they guarantee their technique will rid three red lights on Xbox
360 inside 2 hours!

You may use their repair with complete self-assurance. They offer full
purchaser support, from actual folks. They give you detailed video
recording help classes that will guide you through each component of the
easy process. This guarantee is worthy of discussing again : you will be
playing again on your Xbox 360 in less than 2 hours.

Those three red lights on Xbox 360 will be an old memory.

To discover this practical repairfor yourself, and to get playing on your
360 again in under 2 hours, check out the Microsoft Xbox 360 Red Light
Remedy professional Gamer Repair.

How to Fix a 74 Error
Three Red Lights on Xbox 360
My Xbox 360 Keeps Freezing

The Recipe for Potato Gratin

Requirements of the recipe:

a) Russet potatoes- three potatoes. The potatoes should be properly peeled
off. Then they should be cut into round pieces. The pieces should be round
in shape
b) crème fraiche- one and a half cup. The crème should be stirred well so
that it gets really loose.
c) Gruyere cheese (grated) – one and a half cup
d) Italian parsley (chopped) – two cups

Nutrition Info

Nutrient content of the recipe

Calorie content: 371 kilocalorie

Carbohydrate content: 32 grams

Fiber content: 4 grams

Fat content: 23 grams

Protein content: 10 grams

Sugar content: 3 grams

How to cook potato gratin:

a) First step in cooking this dish is to preheat the oven. The oven should
be preheated at around four hundred degree Fahrenheit.

b) Now grease a baking dish. The dimensions to be selected for the dish
are thirteen inches into nine inches into two inches. Greasing should be
done properly. Now arrange the potato slices in the dish. Use only half of
the slices. Now add pepper & salt to the slices. Now spread of crème
fraiche o the dish and then cover whole of the dish with grated cheese.

c) Now again make a layer again. That is to say layer the remaining
potatoes and the crème and the remaining cheese. The dish is now ready to
be baked. The dish should be firstly baked for around thirty minutes. The
dish should be cooked uncovered.

d) After some time reduce the temperature of the oven to around fifty
degrees lesser. That is to say reduce the temperature to 350 degree
Fahrenheit. Now again cook it for around forty five minutes. The
indication that the dish is cooked is the softening of the potatoes and
the potatoes turning brown. After taken them out from the oven keep it
aside for around ten minutes.

e) Sprinkle parsley on the dish and then serve it.

Recipes for Quick and Easy Sandwiches for Families on the Go

Today's families are busier than ever. Often both parents work outside
the home. The children are involved in sports, school activities take up
time, most are involved in church activities, the list could go on and on.
Here are some sandwich recipes for those busy days. Keep some fresh
veggies or fruit on hand to serve with sandwiches. The Beans and Burgers
recipe is for hot sandwiches, cooked in the microwave in minutes. If you
prefer a cold sandwich, the Hoagies below are great sandwiches.


1 lb lean ground beef chuck
1 can (16-oz) home-style pork and beans
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 large green bell pepper, diced

Crumble the beef into a 3-quart casserole dish. Add pork and beans, salt,
garlic powder and bell pepper. Stir just to blend the ingredients. Cover.
Place in the microwave and cook on high for about 15 minutes, stirring
after 9 or 10 minutes. Serve over open buns for an open-faced style
sandwich. Serve with carrot and/or celery sticks.


1 lb ham slices
6 romaine lettuce leaves
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 red onion, thinly sliced
12 slices dill pickle
1 cup olive oil
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
6 slices Provolone cheese
6 hoagie buns, sliced horizontally

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Place
the hoagie bun bottom halves on cutting board or flat surface. On top of
the bun bottoms layer in the following order; lettuce leaves, ham, red
onions, pickle, and tomato. Sprinkle the oil and vinegar mixture over the
sandwich and top with Provolone cheese slices. Place bun tops over the
cheese and wrap sandwiches, individually, tightly in foil. Refrigerate 10
minutes or up to 4 hours. Slice each sandwich in half before serving.


Vishnu Yoga in Hindu Astrology

Constituents: Vishnu yoga is caused if the lords of Navamsa's which the
9th Lord isplaced and the 10th lord joins the 2nd house in conjunction
with the 9th lord.

Fruits: The native subject to other combinations in the horoscope is
likely to lead and enjoyable life and reap the following fruits:

i) Acquire fortunes from various countries,

ii) Earn in crores (reasonably large turnover and profits).

iii) Will be strong physically and mentally,

iv) Witty in conversations,

v) Worshipper of Lord Vishnu,

vi) Capable of getting awards from the Government and also praised
from the Government,

vii) Long life up to 100 years-mostly free from disease.

Our View: But, it is possible that all the results may not happen but
the native may enjoy most of the blessings of Vishnu Yoga.
Astrologically, Navamasha in which the 9th Lord is place plays an
important part in the formation of this yoga. Yoga is expected to
operate through out life if the Navamsa Lord happens to be the strongest
planet (having the need quantity of shadbala). Where the lord of Navamsa
occupied by the 9th Lord happens to be Saturn not having much strength
(debilitated Saturn), the yoga would operate with certain restrictions.

It is for the Astrologer to judge the strength of the planet forming
Vishnu Yoga. Be that as it may, combination of the 9th lord and 10th lord
itself constitutes a powerful Raj Yoga. If this occurs in the 2nd house,
combined with the Namamas Lord would indeed amount powerful Dhan Yoga and

In this horoscope, the horoscope belonging to high ranking influential
man, Vishnu Yoga did not work well because of Rahu in the 2nd house
though Lord of 9th Venus in Taurus Amsa and Lord of this Amsa is again
Venus. He is the 2nd house along with the 10th Lord and he himself
happens to be the 9th Lord.

However, Vishnu Yog is more pronounced in the following chart. Venus
happens not only be the lord of 10th house but also lord of Navamsa
occupied by 9th Lord Mercury. Both Mercury and Venus are in the 2nd. With
huge earnings, the native almost enjoyed all the blessings of Vishnu

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---World of Warcraft Patch 3.2 Priest Guide

I have much experience of buying online. I am lazy so I don't have enough
time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO! See you next time!To buy wow
gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the exact
answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate with
other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are some
cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some research. It
is so important that we should keep our money and account safe.

Here's a quick recap of what is known in the upcoming Priest changes for
the 3.2 patch. There has not been a whole lot of changes to the Priest
talent trees or to the talents themselves. But let's go over what we


The signature group heal for Priests (Prayer of Healing) has been nerfed
significantly. The spell power percentage has been lowered from 80.7% to
52.6%. Ouch. That's a pretty strong blow. Prayer of Healing has helped me
when I was participating in several of the Ulduar hard modes.

Discipline Priests are going to be annoyed since the cooldown of Penance
has increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds (thereby making the Glyph of
Penance almost mandatory).

Lastly a change to Inspiration has it set so that when the buff is
active, physical damage taken by targets is reduced by 3/7/10% instead of
simply increasing the target's armor. That may not be a lot, but at least
it's something positive. Buying cheap wow gold in reality it very
interesting and some playersa are surfing online and looking for the best
wow gold shop.

Glyph of Power Word: Shield gains a minor change. It now has the ability
to activate Divine Aegis.

In a move that should be a surprise to no one on a major content patch
day, Blizzard has announced that all realms will be down until 3PM PDT
for database maintenance.

You may have noticed that we've got a lot of patch 3.2 coverage today to
keep you busy. Or you could take a peek over at the WoWathon to watch
some dramatic readings and support charity.

We'll keep you posted on any other changes to the downtime.

What I really care is to keep my wow account safe and not spend too much
wow gold and money. Everyone thinks the same with me and wants to get the
cheapest wow gold online. I wonder if you like the way of buying wow gold

What Are My Options When it Comes to Stopping Those Red Lights Flashing on My Xbox 360?

One day you go to start gaming, turn on your Xbox 360 and find red lights
flashing at you. You probably realize pretty quickly that this is not a
good thing. The actual problem that you will have to deal with depends on
how many lights are flashing at you from around the power button.

One or three flashing red lights means that your console has experienced a
hardware failure and you will have to get it repaired. Two or four
flashing red lights generally indicates a rather simpler problem.

Four red flashing lights usually means that the AV cable is not properly
plugged in. Just make sure that it is properly plugged in to the unit and
the television and you should be away gaming again.

Two flashing red lights indicates overheating of the system and in this
case the unit will probably feel very hot. With two flashing red lights
your best option is to make sure that your system is stored somewhere
where it is properly ventilated. Try taking it out of the display case and
putting it near an open window so that it can cool down properly.

One or three flashing red lights indicate problems which are not so easily
solved. You can either send the unit back to Microsoft for them to fix or
get hold of an Xbox 360 repair guide. A repair guide is a collection of
texts and videos which will walk you through the process of fixing the
unit and stopping the buildup of excessive heat inside it, thereby
preventing these kinds of errors from happening again in the future.

If you decide to get a repair guide, preview them before you buy and make
sure that they offer a full money back guarantee - with a guide that fits
these criteria, you will be gaming again in no time!

Is Your XBox360 In Need Of Repair, But You Don't Know Where To Turn? This
Tried And Trusted Review Site Will Provide You With The Best XBox 360
Repair Guides on How to repair a Xbox 360 Online Today So That You Can
Make An Informed Choice


The global turndown, telepresence and the future of video conferencing

The impact of the turndown in the USA has encouraged more companies to
look to video conferencing to reduce their travel budgets.

The demand for video conferencing and renting public video conference
facilities by the hour is increasing rapidly this year. As it is possible
to hire a video conference facility for an hour or two in the majority of
countries around the world, the use of video conferencing facilities is an
obvious time and money saving decision.

Senior Management, tired of travel, are asking their PA's to get them a
video conference meeting to save on time, whilst neatly ticking budget and
CSR requirements.

For companies who have their own equipment it makes sense to hire a public
video conference facility to link with someone who does not have

In addition to 'point to point' meetings, video conference booking agency
Eyenetwork (http://www.eyenetwork.us.com) has seen an increase in what are
known as multipoint meetings, 3 sites or more. It is clear that CEOs are
starting to see the value of delivering a single message in one hit to all
board members and senior management – in several countries at once. Major
decisions have been made, and key accounts won, all using this technology.
The message is heard by all at once with no dilution of its impact.

As yet, there is no easily accessible public telepresence network. This
is due to the propriety nature of some of the systems and the fact that
their bandwidth exists on VPN's. However, Telepresence has bought a tide
of welcome publicity for the video conference industry. Tandberg, Cisco,
Polycom and HP are leading the field with their life-size, high bandwidth,
multi-functional systems connecting on at least 5mb bandwidth. This
publicity has raised the profile of existing video conferencing solutions
and raised demand overall.

Within the next year or two, we envisage two tiers of video conferencing.
Companies will consider traditional video conferencing as 'business
class', it gets you from A to B and you can meet successfully with others
and see and hear them in real time. The next level up, means meeting by
'first class' using telepresence suites. There is a market for both
technologies and this will be dictated by budget.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are preferred as a snack all over and are served in parties
or gatherings. It can even be served as a dish of the main course. It
entirely depends on the way a person cooks the chicken wings whether it is
to be served as a main course dish or as an appetizer. Whenever a person
cooks chicken wings in sauce then it is served as a main course dish and
if it is cooked without the sauce it is served as an appetizer.

Let us now discuss how to cook the chicken wings as an appetizer. To cook
this dish only one hour is required. It is very simple to cook this dish
and no special techniques are involved in cooking this dish. Only what are
required are a little sauces and ingredients. One can cook this dish even
in the nick of time whenever guests come to visit your place with much
prior notice.

Ingredients for the recipe:

a) chicken wings-six
b) spring onion -one
c) ginger(sliced)- two
d) Soya sauce- two tablespoons
e) sugar- two tablespoons
f) water- three cups
g) MSG- a pinch
h) sesame oil(for garnishing)

How to cook chicken wings:

Firstly wash those chicken wings thoroughly. It is really important to
clean them properly. Now slice each of the wings into three pieces each.

Next boil some water in a pan. Now add the chicken pieces to the boiling
water. Cook them for three minutes. Now drain off all the water and keep
those pieces to dry.

Now dice the spring onions into small pieces.

Next heat a little cooking oil in a pan. Add the spring onions to the oil.
Fry the onions till they turn a little light brown. Now add the sliced
garlic to it and cook it till one feels a little fragrance of onion and

Now add Soya sauce to the pan for giving it a nice color. Now add MSG and
sugar to the pan.

Now add water to the pan. Finally add the pieces of chicken and heat it
over a low flame. Keep the pan over the flame for quite a few minutes. It
should be kept over the flame till chicken is completely cooked.

The indication to whether the chicken is cooked or not is that the chicken
should become light brown in color and not much of gravy is left in the

Now place the cooked chicken in a serving dish. Remove the spring onions
and even the garlic from the dish.

Garnish the dish with sesame oil and serve the dish hot and fresh.

Chicken wings are a non vegetarian's delight. It should be served hot with
soft drinks and mock tails. People prefer chicken wings with even hard
drinks like vodka or beer. It's a delicious appetizer to be served in
parties or get together. Serve it in all the parties and see people love
it and love your parties.

Harry Potter - A Popular Series

Witchcraft is often regarded as a part of the mystery of the existing
cultural heritage. J.K. Rowling did her share in bringing to our drawing
rooms the mystifying craft. Harry James Potter, as the central character
of her work of fiction became a household name in no time. Today children
and adults across the globe, love to read a harry potter book or watch a
harry potter movie. The harry potter series is truly bewitching, how else
can one explain the fervor that surrounds the harry potter series.

The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where the protagonist
enrolls to learn witchcraft. The various twists and turns to his stint at
the school, his friends, enemies and the unraveled secrets of his lineage
all sum up to one beautiful theme that is the nucleus of the harry potter
series. A harry potter book brings alive the time honored tradition of
witchcraft. There are seven books in the harry potter series and each of
them is hard to put down.

According to research conducted by the Barna group, the exposure of
America's teens to Harry Potter books and harry potter movies has doubled
since 2003. A substantial percentage of youngsters are believed to have
discussed the supernatural powers of Harry Potter with their parents. The
advertisements and media hype was fodder to the growing popularity of the
young wizard. Harry potter book thus gained immense popularity in the west
and eventually across the globe.

The global acclaim has been the driving force for the whopping sales
figures of the harry potter series. What's more, harry potter on celluloid
has also received a warm welcome and is one of the highest global grosser.
Harry Potter movie is best watched on the big screen but in order to watch
it years after the release, Harry Potter DVDs would be ideal.

There are several options to procure the much acclaimed harry potter book
and harry potter series. Online marts are profuse with books of a wide
category and choosing a particular edition should not be a problem. There
are various 'easy to use' options for the easy procurement of books of all
genres. Happy Potter series being one of the most popular is by far the
easiest to procure.

A Harry Potter book is one of the fun ways to develop good reading habits
in your kids. Not only is it engrossing but the language and the entire
plot is ideal for a young reader. You may buy all the books from the Harry
Potter series to persuade your child to learn as he reads. They are
nothing short of fantasy books that will keep them occupied and inculcate
good reading habits in the young.

So bring out the wizard in your little one, by introducing him to Harry
Potter books.


Top Fantasy Football Rookie Draft Picks

Mark your calendars and ice the beer, because the fantasy football season
is about to begin. It's doubtful that this season's crop of rookies will
make a significant impact on any team but there are a few rooks worth
keeping an eye on. If you play fantasy football online and have been
working on preparing for your upcoming drafts, consider this list of
promising rookies.

Rookie Quarterbacks Everyone Are Talking About

When it comes to quarterbacks, there's a reason NFL.com named Matthew
Stafford "the most NFL-ready quarterback in the 2009 draft" (Copyright
NFLDraftScout.com, distributed by The Sports Xchange). As team captain, he
carried his team undefeated through the bowl games. He scans the field
quickly for openings, and places the ball accurately regardless of
distance. His footwork is quick and nimble in the pocket, and he can
successfully complete a pass while defenders are taking him down.

On the flip side, Mark Sanchez may bring the Jets a winning season. One of
his greatest strengths is his ability to place the ball accurately
anywhere on the field. His over-the-top delivery is effortless, and he
recognizes a blitz quickly and reacts accordingly. He's accurate in a
pinch as well, such as in a rollout.

Of course, any veteran of fantasy football knows to have caution when
ranking rookie QBs. To illustrate this point, let's look at some of the
greatest quarterbacks of all time. Brett Favre, John Elway, and even Dan
Marino experienced a boost in their fantasy value after their first year
in the NFL. Although Stafford and Sanchez have notable prowess, it's more
likely that we'll see their talents reflected in fantasy football leagues
over the next few years, but not necessarily during this season. With that
said, rookie running backs can be magical in fantasy football (just look
at what Matt Forte and Chris Johnson did last season).

Rookie Running Backs Fantasy Diehards are Watching

For 2009, keep an eye on Knowshon Moreno. He can power through the first
line of defense, and has surprisingly soft hands that could boost his
value in PPR leagues. According to NFL.com, Moreno is an "extreme
competitor who can put the team on his shoulders," (Copyright
NFLDraftScout.com, distributed by The Sports Xchange).

Chris "Beanie" Wells is another notable up-and-coming running back.
FantasyFootballXtreme.com named him their #1 rookie to watch, and for good
reason. He rushed for over 3000 yards during his time at THE Ohio State
University. He's known for finding holes in the defense and he has a
jarring stiff-arm to thwart defenders and possesses uncanny breakaway
speed. Unfortunately, his history of injuries could be a risk factor.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw great things from Donald Brown. He's
quite a fast and agile player. Rare to rookies, he has a great sense of
balance, which he uses to deceive the defense. He could become quite a
weapon for the Colts this season.

Rookie Wide Receivers You Don't Want to Overlook

If you're debating which rookie wide receiver to add to your team, Hakeem
Nicks has the goods. He set school records at UNC for receptions,
touchdown catches, and receiving yards. He has great hands and can hang
onto the ball even after hard hits. He can distance himself from defenders
during a breakaway, and is tough enough to generate a lot of yards after

Michael Crabtree has a bright future as well. Originally, he was the
quarterback of his high school and went to college on a two-sport
scholarship. As a wide receiver, he made 231 receptions in two seasons.
His hands are smooth and able to catch the ball regardless of whether it's
inside or outside his body. There's no doubt that he's a competitor that
will flourish over time.

A Rookie Tight End that Might Deliver During the 2009 Fantasy Football Season

It's a risk to use a rookie as your tight end in fantasy football games,
but if you're willing to chance it, then Brandon Pettigrew is your best
bet. He set a record at Oklahoma State University for the most receptions.
And at 265-pounds, Pettigrew can throw a hefty block. If he's running the
ball, he can pull the defenders along with him. All in all, he'll be a
fierce competitor in the 2009 season.

Wow gold---Blizzard on the Battle.net update

I love games and wow gold, of course, is the best one I have ever met. But
for several people this isn't sufficiency content. I energy a full-time
job, and act WoW in my thin time…and I conform most of my WoW playing on
learning gold-making techniques. Some players are posting wow gold topics
online on there blogs. They know a lot of tips of how to farm wow gold or
buy wow gold. wow gold farming is a way of getting wow gold. Many players
have many ways to earn wow gold.Activision-Blizzard held their second
quarter conference call yesterday, and in addition to addressing the
Starcraft II delay, both Mike Morhaime and Activision CEO Bobby Kotick
shared some insight into what the revamped Battle.net will be like. The
brand new system (which is currently up and working, albeit in a very
skeleton form so far) will have "social networking features, cross-game
communication, [and] unified account management," in addition to features
that will let players "share experiences" with each other online (we'd
presume that means things like screenshot galleries and leaderboards, but
who knows?). Kotick also spoke up, and compared the service to that other
popular online community, Xbox Live.

Blizzard is still saying the new Battle.net will come in conjunction with
the new Starcraft, so we'll have to keep an eye out for them both in the
first half of 2010. It'll be interesting to see what other features
Blizzard adds in, and exactly what form features like "cross-game
communication" take -- do they mean actual in-game messaging across games,
or just status updates and messages on a social network? Kotick's
comparison to Xbox Live raises some questions, too, as that's a much wider
service than you'd think Battle.net would be. But then again, the guy's a
CEO, and all CEOs have a tendency to overestimate exactly what their
company is doing. Like most of Blizzard's upcoming releases, we'll have to
wait and see on Battle.net.

Dresorull has just released a list of known issues (unfixed bugs) in Patch
3.2. This patch has its fair share of bugs in it, however from personal
experience I think it has a ways to go before it reaches the bugginess
level of the patch 3.0.x branch.

This laundry list of issues comes after yesterday's first round of in-game
hot fixes. Based on previous patches, I wouldn't be surprised to see
another round of hot fixes released tonight.

Some of the more major bugs in patch 3.2 that are on Dresorull's list

People are getting stuck in the portals to the Argent Coliseum raids. The
Flying Carpet requires 410 tailoring to craft when only 375 is attainable
at level 60. A number of items are displaying different textures in 3.2.0
from how they looked in 3.1.3. Master's Inscription of the Crag has not
had its MP5 value increased. Some Stormjewels are still unique-equip.
Again, these are just current bugs in the patch. These issues have not
been fixed yet.

The full list of known issues after the break.

To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the
exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate
with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are
some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some
research. It is so important that we should keep our money and account
safe. Do you have any wow gold buying tips? If you have leave me here
please. I want to be a super game player who handles more wow gold.


Basics on Yoga

The best way to describe Yoga is probably to say that it is a way of life.
The yoga we are most familiar with in the West is called "Hatha Yoga" or
the "Yoga of movement". However, there are seven other yogic pathways, all
of which deal primarily with the spiritual, emotional, and mental realms.

Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago (a lot longer than any
fitness trend!). The word "yoga" means "union", or simply put, the union
of mind, body and spirit. All of the eight yogic paths have this union as
their goal.

Yoga is not a religion. It has no bible or other doctrine that its
students follow. Instead, it is a practical system for healthy living,
which includes movement, diet and a set of ethical principles.

Yoga is not a competitive sport. Instead, yoga helps us to look at our
bodies and ourselves from the inside out. So, whoever you are, however old
you are, however long it has been since you stretched or moved, yoga is
for you! Every pose has its modifications to benefit every person's
fitness level. Yoga encourages every participant to "listen" to their
bodies and only work at that level.

If you suffer from back or neck pain, reptitive stress injuries (like
carpal tunnel syndrome), arthritis, bursitis, or osteoporosis, you can not
only try yoga, you're bound to benefit from it. Do let your instructor
know of your health concerns prior to class. If you suffer from any severe
or unusual medical conditions (such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
a previous head/neurological injury, a high-risk pregnancy etc), it is
YOUR responsibility to get permission from your personal physicians before
embarking on any new exercise program.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Creative Cake Dressing and Decorating Ideas for Wedding and Birthday

You were asked to bake a cake because of an exceptional function; you know
you're original and creative, just that you need a new theme to explore
on. Every celebration includes a cake to be shared among the invitees and
family members. It is a custom to have a cake baked by a bakery, or to
have a relative bake a cake because the event.

Below are a few cake dressing ideas:

- Character reference: There are 100s of famous characters to use because
cake dressing. You can make any cake special by drawing in Dora the
adventurer, or Blues Clues. Or you may want to carve the cake to make the
entire cake into a favorite character.

- Themes: perhaps you would like to go with a 50's theme base, underwater
adventure, sport base, or a roaring 20's base because your cake dressing.
Use your creativity and find a base that will thrill the person you are
making the cake because, and the guests . You may prefer to have a
masquerade party in that base. Whatsoever you choose, have fun.

- Motor Cakes: Boys are usually crazy about trucks, cars, fire truck,
boats, tractors, choppers, or airplanes. Once again you can use your cake
dressing expertise to make a farm with a 3-D tractor, a racing strip, or a
scene demonstrating a fire being put out by firemen. Naturally it all
depends on what the particular birthday boy is fond of.

- Animals: you are able to also use an animal base by cutting the cake to
look like any animal, or attract a scene using animals. It could be a zoo
scene with several animals or choose one animal and decorate the cake with
other decorations demonstrating where it came from. Use your imagination.

- Food: perhaps you are making a cake because the opening of an Italian
eating place. You could create a scene depicting the construction, or if
it is because a chef opening the eating place, a scene of the kitchen with
unlike Italian dishes would be fun. You'll be able to also cut the cake to
look like a hamburger, hot dog, taco etc... The sky is the limit when it
comes to cake dressing using a food base.

- Holiday Themes: I remember when bunny rabbit cakes became popular at
Easter, Wilton has pans and dressing supplies because all holiday cake
dressing designs. A heart on Valentine's day, or a 4 leaf clover on St.
Patrick's day is a wonderful way to say happy holidays.

- Your Own innovation: If you have been involved in cake dressing because
quite some time, or if you are a novice with an pleasing flair, you can
create your own cake based on the base or the celebration.

Whatsoever type of cake you make will be the center of attention as cakes
usually are at a celebration. It has become custom to have an outstanding
cake at every celebration. Knowing that you are the one who is pleasing
enough to make this cake, and the praise you will receive from others,
will give you a bushel of gratification.

You can spend a lot of money buying book after book, looking for new cake
decorating ideas or enjoy never ending, fresh ideas from hundreds of
decorators all over the world at no cost ever on the net! Many are
decorators from all experience levels contribute their cakes, sharing
their knowledge so you can duplicate their successes.

Once A Month Cooking - Hamburger Pasta Casseroles Freezer Meals

When it comes to cooking and baking, I love experimenting with once a
month cooking. This type of cooking is when you spend a day or two making
and baking up several meals for your family and then freezing them for
future use.

This recipe will make 3 large casseroles that will each feed 8 people.
They will keep in the freezer for up to 6 months. You will need three 9 x
13" rectangular foil baking pans, that I like to pick up at our local
dollar store or discount department store. After freezing, thaw the
casserole in your refrigerator for 6-8 hours and then reheat in the oven
for 20 minutes before serving.

Hamburger Pasta Casserole

4 lbs. lean ground beef
1 lb. thin sausage links, sliced into bite-sized pieces
2 cups onions, finely chopped
2 cups celery, finely chopped
1 1/4 cup green pepper, finely chopped
16-18 ounces pasta noodles
3 cans tomato soup
4 1/4 cups shredded American Cheese
12 ounce bottle chili sauce
1/4 cup pimento, chopped
2 teaspoons table salt
2 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups water
4 1/2 cups bread crumbs
1/4 cup butter, melted (not margarine)

In a very large frying pan, cook the lean ground beef, sausage links,
onion, celery and green pepper until the ground beef is brown and no
longer pink. Drain off fat. Cook your desired pasta noodles according to
box directions, drain water and set aside. In a large stock pot, add your
cooked pasta noodles and meat mixture. Stir in the tomato soup, cheese,
chili sauce, chili powder, chopped pimento, salt, pepper and water.

Split the mixture up into 3 equal portions. Place mixture into each of
your baking pans. In a small bowl, combine the bread crumbs with melted
butter. Sprinkle seasoned bread crumbs on top of the casserole mixture.

Bake casseroles in a 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes. Let completely
cool before wrapping and freezing.

Get a Real Medium Reading That Will Blow You Away

Who else wants to talk about psychic readings by phone? If you are
anything like the vast majority of people who read our articles and
comment on our content, the idea of getting an insightful, intuitive
psychic reading is a pretty powerful thing, right? But for most of us,
actually taking the leap and doing it is an entirely different experience


Well, in my view, people are afraid! We're skeptical to begin with, unsure
what we REALLY want to hear, and a bit afraid that if some of these
psychic intuitive are really as good as we are led to believe, they could
be "poking" around in mental places that many of us don't want poked!

Okay, but can you really get a good psychic reading by phone? Don't most
good psychics need to be "there" to read well?

No, this is not the case at all. First of all, depending on the type of
intuitive skill the psychic you select specializes in, many of the most
powerful skills and intuitive insights are best gleaned from a far. Remote
viewing, ( or psychic "seeing" at a distance) as well as many other
powerful mind powers seem to work outside of "time and space" and many of
the worlds most famous psychic mediums to ALL of their work on the

What is the best way to get a really GREAT psychic reading by phone?

You've got to start with a genuine psychic! I know this seems obvious, but
it's really not...and many people pick inferior readers, and have less
than satisfactory experiences as a result. The truth is, you are in the
DRIVERS seat when picking a psychic to help solve your most pressing

Why? Because you have choices. And you can pick a network, or individual
reader who meets your very specific wants and goals. And that's what we
do, and what we recommend to our readers as well!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?

Raven Squad - Shooting in Jungle

is a first person shooter and real time strategy game, which is developed
by Atomic Motion and published by SouthPeak Games.

The story is set in the Amazon forest where a plane carrying top secret
data has crashed out. If the enemy gets the data, many lives are in great
danger. So in order to stop such disasters, a team is sent to rescue the
survivors, but unfortunately the rescue team's plane was hit by a
surface-to-air missile and so the commander and the team were forced to
make an emergency jump into hostile territory.

Now, its upto the players, who still have a mission to complete, will have
to survive against the enemy forces. Each of the eight squad members has
characteristic skills and weaponry that the player will have to use
sensibly to progress through the game's story driven objectives. Players
will be in the command position and have to solve each tactical situation
using their own combination of the two genres either by themselves or
cooperatively with a friend.

Players can order their squads into vehicles and take the drive in
first-person mode (FPS). The RTS tactical view offers the player to use a
live satellite point of view of the battlefield, which balances out with
the intensity of cover-to-cover FPS fighting. In short, the mix of FPS and
RPS is needed for the players to make it out of the jungle alive. During
the course of the gameplay, the gamers will go through lush jungle
visuals, haunting ambient sounds, bad weather, and brutal attacks for
their enemies

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---Upward and onward

I am lazy so I don't have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO!
See you next time!

To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the
exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate
with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are
some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some
research. It is so important that we should keep our money and account

There was really just one topic on the show last Saturday, and it was
patch 3.2. We finally went down all of the new features and class changes
we're expecting in the patch, and laid out (with the help of some of our
chat channel folks) who was buffed, who was nerfed, and which classes
are, in Turpster's estimation, "rubbish anyway." Alex Ziebart and Lesley
Smith helped us decode some of the more complicated changes, and of
course we answered your emails, including how the fishing daily can make
you 4k gold, whether our characters are really getting stronger or not,
and Blizzard's problems with cosmetic items and armor dyes.

The show is available at any of the links below (or for listening right
here on this page). If you haven't yet subscribed to the show in iTunes
(where you can listen to it for free on your iPod or iPhone), please do.
And while you're there, feel free to leave us a rating or a review -- the
more we can get, the better. Thanks for listening as always, and we'll
see you next week.

Have you heard about WoWathon? Three gamers have been playing WoW since
August 1, broadcasting live in order to raise money for the charity,
Child's Play. They are streaming live right now on Ustream and have been
for 54 hours as of this writing. Starting from level 1, they have leveled
their characters to 35 so far, all while responding to chatters.

They are not account sharing and have the blessing of their realm's GM,
for those of you who are worried about them going against the ToS.

Child's Play is the charity that the guys at Penny Arcade put together to
provide toys, games, books and cash to sick kids in children's hospitals.
The WoWathon team's goal is to reach $5000 in fundrasing for the charity
and are currently near $2300. If you wish to donate to help them reach
their goal, please go to their website and click on the Chipin button.

We are talking to them now, so stay tuned to WoW.com for an interview
with the team. I love games and wow gold, of course, is the best one I
have ever met. But for several people this isn't sufficiency content. I
energy a full-time job, and act WoW in my thin time…and I conform most of
my WoW playing on learning gold-making techniques. Some players are
posting wow gold topics online on there blogs. They know a lot of tips of
how to farm wow gold or buy wow gold. wow gold farming is a way of
getting wow gold. Many players have many ways to earn wow gold.

Streaming Video Capture Software

Many people have web cams. Whether or not they use these web cameras for
adult entertainment, there are a number of different types of things that
may occur between individuals that they might want to save. In this
instance, streaming video capture software can help an individual to
record or save streaming video clips. Streaming videos are different than
files that are downloaded because the files do not stay on the computer.
The videos are constantly being streamed, or sent out, by the provider,
but the individual that is viewing the video cannot do so without
connecting to the origin site, unless they have streaming video capture
software. The neat thing about streaming video capture software is that
there is some that costs money and some that people can find for free.

IP based multi user video conferencing platform with support for
whiteboard, voice, fax, file transfer, text and API. Project aims to be
the platform for Video over IP solutions for Corporate, Government,
Education, Research and Healthcare

They allow the individual to capture and keep the streaming video that
they are viewing. Without the streaming video capture software, this
would not be possible. One of the most popular markets for individuals
that use streaming video capture software would be in the areas of adult
entertainment. Many sites try to entice members to join by sharing
videos, but they are streaming videos. In order to save money in the long
run, if not the short run, many people would prefer to purchase the
streaming video capture software and copy or duplicate the streaming video
than sign up for the adult entertainment website that is offering the
streaming video. Some people will sign up anyway, but many others would
just prefer to save the money and instead capture the videos so that they
do not have to pay in order to be allowed to download them off of the
site. Since one site only offers so much over all, many people see it as
a better investment to spend the money on the streaming video capture
software so they can get videos from different websites, instead of just
one website that may not actually have all the different types of videos
that the individual wants to see.

A person can use peer to peer sharing file software in order to find
streaming video capture software. If a person does not want to do this,
there are many online stores that offer streaming video capture software.
There are different companies and different standards that have been set
on the streaming video capture software options that are out there for the
consumers. The correct streaming video capture software depends on the
individual's personal needs and preferences. By deciding what is
important to the individual, and what they need from the software, a
person can more accurately find the right streaming video capture
software, which will help them to have made a wise investment. Finding
the right streaming video capture software can help a person a great deal
because it will allow the person to get the videos that they want, and it
will save them money since they will no longer have to pay money in order
to view the videos of their choice.

Video Streaming

How To Make Homemade Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes

Every summer, my husband and I travel several times down to the south
Jersey Shore for vacations. While we are vacationing, we visit several
local seafood restaurants to try out their crab cakes.

A few months ago, one of my friends gave me her recipe for jumbo lump crab
cakes. What I really like about this recipe is that it tastes just as
good, if not better...than those expensive crab cakes you get in beach
side restaurants.

Once you have them completely cooked, you can let them cool and then
package them properly for the freezer. They make quick meals on busy

Crab Cakes Recipe

1 lb. fresh jumbo lump crab meat
1/2 cup onions, finely chopped
1/2 cup celery, finely chopped
5 tablespoons butter (not margarine)
2 1/2 cups dry bread crumbs
2 teaspoons fresh parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon dill, finely chopped
juice from 1/2 of a lemon
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon table salt
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon dry mustard
2 teaspoons heavy whipping cream
2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup cold milk, lightly beaten with 1 egg

I used a manual food processor to chop my onions, celery, parsley and dill
and then set aside. Place your jumbo lump crab meat in a large bowl and
set aside. In a large sauce pan, saute the chopped onion and celery in 2
tablespoons of butter. Remove from heat and it let cool for 3 minutes and
stir gently into the crab meat in your bowl. It is important to try not to
break up the crab meat lumps.

Stir together your parsley, dill, juice from 1/2 of your lemon, salt,
black pepper and your dry bread crumbs until combined. Blend in the egg
yolks, dry mustard and heavy whipping cream. Once mixture is combined,
stir this mixture into the crab meat mixture. Refrigerate mixture for
approximately 30 minutes in a sealed bowl.

Remove bowl from refrigerator and gently shape mixture into balls. Pour
your 2 cups of flour into a pie plate. Whip together the egg and milk
mixture into a small bowl and set aside. Roll balls into your flour and
then dip balls into the egg and milk mixture. Gently flatten the balls
into burger sized patties and set onto a plate. Once patties are made,
place foil over the plate and place back into the refrigerator for 45

Heat the remaining butter in a large skillet and carefully brown the crab
cakes for 4-5 minutes on each side or until they are done.

Optional: You can replace the 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper with some Old
Bay Seafood Seasoning if desired.