วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---Upward and onward

I am lazy so I don't have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO!
See you next time!

To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the
exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate
with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are
some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some
research. It is so important that we should keep our money and account

There was really just one topic on the show last Saturday, and it was
patch 3.2. We finally went down all of the new features and class changes
we're expecting in the patch, and laid out (with the help of some of our
chat channel folks) who was buffed, who was nerfed, and which classes
are, in Turpster's estimation, "rubbish anyway." Alex Ziebart and Lesley
Smith helped us decode some of the more complicated changes, and of
course we answered your emails, including how the fishing daily can make
you 4k gold, whether our characters are really getting stronger or not,
and Blizzard's problems with cosmetic items and armor dyes.

The show is available at any of the links below (or for listening right
here on this page). If you haven't yet subscribed to the show in iTunes
(where you can listen to it for free on your iPod or iPhone), please do.
And while you're there, feel free to leave us a rating or a review -- the
more we can get, the better. Thanks for listening as always, and we'll
see you next week.

Have you heard about WoWathon? Three gamers have been playing WoW since
August 1, broadcasting live in order to raise money for the charity,
Child's Play. They are streaming live right now on Ustream and have been
for 54 hours as of this writing. Starting from level 1, they have leveled
their characters to 35 so far, all while responding to chatters.

They are not account sharing and have the blessing of their realm's GM,
for those of you who are worried about them going against the ToS.

Child's Play is the charity that the guys at Penny Arcade put together to
provide toys, games, books and cash to sick kids in children's hospitals.
The WoWathon team's goal is to reach $5000 in fundrasing for the charity
and are currently near $2300. If you wish to donate to help them reach
their goal, please go to their website and click on the Chipin button.

We are talking to them now, so stay tuned to WoW.com for an interview
with the team. I love games and wow gold, of course, is the best one I
have ever met. But for several people this isn't sufficiency content. I
energy a full-time job, and act WoW in my thin time…and I conform most of
my WoW playing on learning gold-making techniques. Some players are
posting wow gold topics online on there blogs. They know a lot of tips of
how to farm wow gold or buy wow gold. wow gold farming is a way of
getting wow gold. Many players have many ways to earn wow gold.

