Jyotish means the divine light of the God. The function of light is to
make everything visible. Astrology endeavors to do the same in the life of
an individual. This attempt has been made from ancient times and the
science of astronomy which developed in India was also closely related
with astrology.
The opinions of individual astrologer may vary depending upon the
parameters employed. However, competent astrologers have always been
respected despite wrong utilization by vested interests for quick material
Astrology was developed by Rishis, Saints and yogis of yore to help human
being lead a good, happy and safe life. Some people believe that future is
written in black and white, but Gyanis (knowledgeable) take future as an
indication only. They, shape up their future with divine knowledge.
Astrology would have lost its relevance if it was only a tool of knowing
about future. Gyanis take it as a tool to know the karmic impressions
which is embedded in the soul. If the Karma of the native is good enough,
he finds a good astrologer who helps him decipher the karmic issues in his
horoscope and the effect it is likely to cause in his life.
Professional Growth:-
Astrology is a handy tool to help an individual optimize his career
prospects with the help of career astrology and forecasts. It can help in
choosing the career or line that can help in optimizing his talent and
make his future secure. It can also guide about the time of uncertainty in
career and also help in timing job changes and other related matters.
Most, of the problems that a person faces in his career can be understood
by astrology. Astrological remedies can at times work wonders in resolving
problems pertaining to career. Sometimes, an individual feels difficulty
in maintaining a cordial relationship with seniors and subordinates. This
can also be due to particular traits manifested by some planets.
Corrective measures can be taken by diagnosing the problem.
Resolving Health Related Problems:-
"Prevention is better than cure" goes the maxim. Astrology helps us to
prevent a mishap, or onset of ailments by timely advice. Such advice is
instrumental in saving an individual from big tragedies. Sometimes an
onset of disease can also be diverted by timely advice. For example a
person with afflicted Jupiter has a chance of attracting diabetes. If he
takes astrological advice, he can take steps to control the disease. He
can control his food habits and maintain an exercise schedule. A person
can escape from accidental death if he is aware of any such possibility.
This can be done by using prescribed spiritual tools.
It is worth-while to remember that we need good health and happiness to
lead a trouble free life. God will be more than happy to help us in
directing us to our goal. If we take recourse to Raksha Kavach and
Stotras, this can also solve our Karmic problems.
A correct diagnosis of the effect of the planets which is responsible for
health problems can be done only by a competent astrologer.
Marriage Issues-
Astrology is an effective tool to find the right match for an individual
and astrology compatibility among the couple. The promises of the
horoscope can help an individual in judging the temperament of the bride /
bridegroom and also help in fixing the best time for marriage. Horoscope
also gives a glimpse of the marital life which starts after solemnization
of marriage.
Astrology is an effective tool to judge relationship problems, issues of
separations etc. It can also serve as an effective tool to heal the
problems being faced by the couple by following some prescribed remedies.
Childbirth Related Issues:-
Astrology is used to know about chances of progeny in the horoscope of the
couple. It can give information about the problems responsible for delay
in child birth. People come to astrologers after taking all possible help
from medical experts. This increases the responsibility of an astrologer.
Analysis should be done by prescribed techniques.
Issues such as miscarriages, abortions etc., can be clearly judged from
the horoscope. "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra" attributes the delay or
difficulty in having a child to various curses and afflictions of the past
life. It also prescribes remedies to lessen the impact of such curses.
Astrologers should be consulted for childlessness.
Guidance about Finances and Business:-
Astrology has tools to judge the quantum of wealth, property and overall
prosperity in a person's horoscope. The horoscope also gives guidance
about the line of business that will be good for the native.
The ups and downs in the business, time for going slow and time to take
risk can be clearly interpreted from a correctly drawn horoscope. Hence,
knowledge of astrology can help in removing uncertainly in business to a
very large extent and can help the individual grow in business.
Information gives power and every horoscope contains information. This
source of information should be utilized with the help of a competent